Protecting Our Appliances

Protecting Our Appliances

4 Causes Of Refrigerator Condensation

by Adam Robinson

Condensation should never be present in your refrigerator. If you have a refrigerator with condensation problems, one of the following issues is the likely cause. 

1. Improper Chilling

One of the most likely culprits for condensation in your fridge is placing food that hasn't cooled completely inside. Any hot or warm food that is above room temperature will result in moisture accumulating inside the fridge, typically near the area where the food was placed. You can easily avoid this by cooling food to be stored after cooking so that it is at room temperature when placed inside the fridge. 

2. Dirty Coils

If you are mainly noticing condensation on the back wall of your refrigerator, the evaporator coils may be to blame. Some refrigerators have two sets of evaporator coils on the back of the fridge. Over time, dirt, dust, and even grease from cooking can accumulate on these coils. The grime reduces the efficiency of the evaporator coils, which leads to condensation issues. A vacuum with an upholstery attachment works well for cleaning the coils, but it may be a better option to bring in an appliance service to do the job if they are very dirty or greasy.

3. Defrost System Failure

Many fridges are frost-free, but sometimes the defrost feature can fail. If condensation is an ongoing issue that is present throughout the fridge, then it could be the defroster. Defroster failure can also lead to ice build-up in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator. Although some models feature automatic defrosting, most fridges have the option to run the defrost cycle manually. Begin troubleshooting by following the procedures for manual defrosting in your fridge's owner's guide. If this doesn't solve the problem, a repair technician may need to fix the defroster.

4. Clogged Drain Line

If everything seems to be working properly but condensation is still building up in your fridge, then the problem may be a clogged drain line. The cold environment of a fridge combined with all the fresh food stored means that moisture will accumulate in the unit. Excess is supposed to drain away safely. Occasionally debris, mold, or algae can clog up the drain line and cause moisture to stay in the fridge in the form of condensation. Drain lines can be flushed clear and then treated so that mold and algae won't grow back.

Contact an appliance repair service like a Sub-Zero appliance repair service if you are having condensation issues.


About Me

Protecting Our Appliances

After we purchased a new home, I was surprised to see how many of the appliances we thought were in great condition were actually a mess. We realized pretty early on that we were going to need to replace them, so we focused on shopping for different models that would work for our lifestyle. After reading all kinds of information and choosing the right appliances, we protected them by hiring an appliance services company to cover any repairs or maintenance they might need moving forward. That investment was and still is one of the best decisions we have made as homeowners. Check out this blog to learn more about appliance services.

